阅读历史 |

第512章 大结局(第三版)(2 / 3)


nt ■蛊 at fortxd, this ■蛊 utated, and beca transissable fro rodents to huan begs, which led to the fection of an asian anial caretaker becae the staff did not sterilize the waste water, those water that ntaed ■蛊got to the waste water syste of the neighbor unity

2、(20198-10)becae the ilitary background of fortxd,■蛊was vered。this ■蛊 was firstly believed to be not very harful to huan beg becae ■蛊 has not adapted to huan body however, with ore and ore people got fected, there were five stras of ■蛊 that fally utated enough to fully adapt huan body order to ver this up, the cdc put guideles to diagnose ■蛊 as “vapg illness“ or “fenza“

3、(201911-至今)when people the syste realize it cannot be hold any ore, they figured out a way to b it to what they did, is to send ldiers that were trag at the facility nearby fortxd to go to the jiangcity ldier sport gaes, and brought the ■蛊 to jiangcity but thanks to doctors jiangcity, they disvered this ■蛊 on enough far oner than one expected back then all other untries were tryg to block , but no one knows that was the real reurce one by one, alost all untries beca victis of the ■蛊 becae of he closed retionship with , any untries got this ■蛊 even before announced

4、ad kg keep bg like crazy, anwhile, do nothg about the ■蛊 side he ay try to do this to ake the trackg of ■蛊 ore difficult but his efforts are eless fro the scientific pot of view

5、(20201)santha&039;s profesr tryed to go to to ntribute his knowledbut he died even before beg able to t on the pne。before he went, he left a fal will to saantha

6、(20207)saantha took rodent ■蛊&039;s rna seences fro the seence, the way of utation fro rodent to huan is ite clear

she al brought the ausy details of patient zero, the asian anial caretaker; brought the ausy details of patients that died fro “vapg illness“ and “f sean“ she al brought the full decision of cdc to shut down fortxd;

those data cde pictures, videos, pcr and anti_b□dy tests

